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Guite Tangthu
Thu masa: Nidang lai-in ih pute Tibet gam panin lal khia-in mun tuamtuamah bu sa kawikawi-in na...
Adoption of the Name Zomi Baptist Convention
There had never been any formally constituted organization of the Christian churches in the Chin...
Kung Pao Chicken
2 tablespoons oyster sauce1 teaspoon cornstarch3/4 pound boneless, skinless chicken
Cope Topa leh Zolai
1. Zomite’ Lai Neih Masakna: Khangluite in “Zomite in nidang hun sawtpi lai pekin lai...
Cope Topa leh Biakna
Khamtung gam, Tedim gam a sangmang masapen Joseph Herber Cope pen November 21, 1882 ni-in...